Nsanje Youth Centre ground breaking next week

The Football Association of Malawi (FAM) in conjunction with the Nsanje District Council ( NDC) would like to inform its stakeholders that all is set for the site handover and groundbreaking ceremony for the Nsanje Youth Centre rehabilitation project next week.

This follows successful contract negotiations with the project’s contractor Blith Construction which were concluded on Monday.

The project, which is being funded by FIFA foundation to the tune of USD 500,000.00 as a response to the effects of Cyclone Idai in 2019, will commence immediately after the ceremony and is expected to be completed in January 2024.

The estimated K590 million contract involves upgrading of the facility by among other things construction of a new football pitch from scratch and installation of solar powered irrigation system. In addition, the pitch will be secured with a wire perimeter fence as well as construction of a VIP stand and teams dressing rooms.
