FAM says club licensing on track

Teams like Kamuzu Barracks will have to be licenced

The Club Licensing System (CLS) is steadily gaining momentum.
FAM CLS manager Casper Jangale said the domestic elite league clubs have so far met 70 percent of the requirements.
“We are on course and the clubs have met almost 70 percent which is very encouraging.
“The remaining part is for us to conduct the inspection of training and match venues as well as secreteriats which will be done in due course,” said Jangale.
He added: “Documents which they have submitted gives us hope that in five years, we should have fully embraced the system.”
Jangale also said it was pleasing that almost all the teams have met one of the crucial requirements to hire coaches that have CAF B  licenses which is the set minimum qualification.
Other requirements include having youth and reserve teams, a secreteriat complete with an accountant and administrator and submission of audited accounts.
