FAM appeals for Stakeholders to get COVID-19 vaccination

The Football Association of Malawi has appealed for it’s stakeholders to get the Covid-19 vaccination and be protected from the pandemic. 

FAM Covid-19 Task Force Chairperson Chimango Munthali said the football fraternity should take advantange of the on-going vaccination exercise use to get their jabs.

Malawi received a new consigmnet of COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday afternoon and has resumed giving jabs after the vaccine finished in June.


“As a responsible sector we are asking our stakeholders at all levels to get vaccinated to play a role in fighting the pandemic. 

“Vaccination is part of FAM’s strategy to reduce and stop the spread of COVID-19 within our game and in our country.

“The importance of getting vaccination should be emphasised as statistics both locally and internationally show its effectiveness in dealing with pandemic. 

“People who have not been vaccinated are more susceptible to getting the Covid -19 virus and testing positive.

“So we would like to appeal to our stakeholders to utilise this opportunity and get vaccinated as soon as possible before the doses run out again. We need to protect ourselves and our loved ones,” said Munthali.

COVID 19 vaccination reduces people’s risk of getting infected and vaccinated people are less likely to transmit the disease.
