UNAids has expressed optimism of reaching out to the youth with information on HIV/Aids through the power of football.
Under the Protect the Goal campaign, UNAids said the campaign being implemented in partnership with the Football Association of Malawi (FAM), is so far on track.
Protect the Goal project coordinator John Nyirenda said the project has made notable strides since it was launched last year.
He made the remarks during a three-day coaches and district sports officer training held at Malawi University of Science and Technology in Thyolo last weekend.
“We have made remarkable progress in as far as Protect the Goal Project is concerned. So far, we have reached out to about eight districts in the Southern Region which have high HIV prevalence,” Nyirenda said.
“The most exciting part is that FAM is also working with different community based organisations by supporting them through funding and technical support so that they can use the community approach in reaching out to young people.”
He said more than 6 000 young people got tested and know their HIV status, a figure he described as encouraging.
“Not only that; we have distributed more than 50 footballs within these communities and FAM will introduce tournaments in these areas so that our young people should find something to do,” he said.
“I think we have a greater opportunity to reach our target. We have trained coaches at district level and these coaches will be able to coach young people and at the same time send messages on HIV Aids.”